Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Post Number Three

Today I have decided to travel Greece to revise my epic poem, the Aeneid. Once I reach Athens, I plan to meet with Augustus so he can aid in the revision of my poem.
Pray that the gods are with me on my journey.


  1. Oh! That reminds me, Augustus' requested that I write CARMEN SAECULARE to restore the glory of the empire; I better get writing. And while you are there please say hi to Maecenas for me. He is my friend/sponsor and Augustus' friend/political advisor. May the Gods be with you on your journey, and may your beyond miraculous epic be accepted.

    Liukkonen Petri. “Horace,” Books and Writers,, 18 May 2011.

  2. What an honor! To write directly for Augusts. The emperor of Rome! Many blessings upon you friend. Oh, and thank you for the kind words which you so often offer towards my epic. I appreicate your generous thoughts.
