Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Post Number Two

Remember, Roman, to rule the people under law, to establish the way of peace, to battle down the haughty, to spare the meek.
In these words, I have created a synopsis of Roman themes throughout our rich history.


  1. Friend Request: Your Reception of the Aeneid caused me to faint while you were reading the 2,4,6 books to my brother, Augustus.

  2. Dearest Octavia, I will gladly be your friend. I apologize, however, for causing you to faint with my words. I suppose that is a sign that my writings are moving and meaningful.

  3. Your writings are the absolute best! They truly are moving and meaningful; not to mention powerful. Our whole literary circle, Lucius Varius Rufus, you, and I, is powerful.
    P.S: I hope the Aeneid is going well for you.

    Liukkonen Petri. “Horace,” Books and Writers,, 18 May 2011.
